Rabu, 13 Desember 2017

Anggun - Inhuman Lyrics Lirik Paroles

Where are we now 
With everything we've said and done
Road to nowhere oh oh

Can we stop now
you see that we become
Sadly impaired oh oh

I know there's hope within us
I want to believe in us

Tell me we'll conquer love again
'Cause hate only makes us inhuman
Tell me we'll let love run in our veins
Hate only makes us inhuman

And my heart aches
Without love life's a mistake
This much is true

I want to believe in you
In anything we do
in do

Tell me we'll conquer love again
'Cause hate only makes us inhuman
Tell me we'll let love run in our veins
Hate only makes us inhuman

I want to believe in you
In everything we do
I know there's hope within us
I want to believe in us

Anggun - Alive Lyrics Paroles Lirik

only the mornings 
Understand how I feel
whenever the evenings
come to ignore my fears

when will I learn that my heart is prone to
fall and to break
why do I continue to go on when
I know I can ache

Love is my weakness
My teacher and temptress
Can put me up and let me down
Strangers to lovers
And lovers to strangers
As long as I can feel this fire
Then I’m alive
Yes I’m alive

Maybe the mornings
Should question how I feel
And maybe the evenings
Could tolerate my fears

Never will I forget to remember
How frightened I was
And now I know my reason to go on is
Only because

Love is my weakness
My teacher and temptress
Can put me up and let me down
Strangers to lovers
And lovers to strangers
As long as I can feel this fire
Then I’m alive
Yes I’m alive

Don’t cover yourselves from heartbreaks
Don’t protect yourselves from love
Is the only thing worth to die for
When it hunts you down

It makes you feel alive

Anggun - Righteous Lyrics Lirik Lagu Paroles

Many love you’s l’ve wasted
Guess I didn’t understand it well
It wasn’t the truth but it felt right
All the tears they were not always justified
This weakness seemed to serve me right

Many of us are pretending
To be the people that we aren’t
Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Left in the dark without a sight
Of anything but pieces of broken heart
And now you sleep with one opened eye

Everybody wants the truth
But no one wants to be honest
Everybody gets confused
Between the evil and righteous

Everybody wants the truth
But no one wants to be honest
Everybody gets confused
Between the evil and righteous

Everybody wants the truth
But no one wants to be honest
And we're all standing
Between the evil and righteous

Thin lines between our heads and our hearts
There is more than just what's wrong or right
What we need to redefine
The change is from your side and mine 

Anggun - No promises Lirik Paroles Lyrics of Anggun Song

I am not your typical girl
I’m not interested in correcting your world
Don’t believe in fairy tales
And most love stories I had didn't end well

You should know before we begin
Right before we got under each other's skin
There's a rule I get to declare
We must be careful and must always beware

If you love me don't tell me
That we'll say till death do us part
It you want my love then give me
No promises, no promises

All that I'm trying to say
Is that I've heard far too many clichés
And I had some time to grieve
My heart was stolen by some beautiful thieves

But if we're right for each other then
We should just let our feelings to grow
Slowly but surely I'm giving in but
Let us not be burdened by tomorrow

If you love me don't tell me
That we'll say till death do us part
If you want my love then give me
No promises, no promises

If you love me then prove it
I don't need a ring on my finger
If you want my love so give
No promises, no promises

"Happily ever after"
It's a conspiracy
Do we need a "forever"
It's only a misconception,
Heartbreaks are repercussions.
Promises are only staining true love

'If you love me don't tell me
That we'll say till death do us part
If you want my love then give me
No promises, no promises

If you love me then prove it
I don't need a ring on my finger
If you want my love so give me
No promises, no promises 

visit me at bit.do/Ardi

Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Temen adakah?

Kadang ada kadang tidak
Kadang selalu ada, kadang ada maunya saja
Syukur-syukur punya teman


Singa betina yang selalu ada untukku - kendji Girac
Orang yang selalu memanjakan aku sampai sekarang - Melly Goeslaw
Orang yang aku selalu sayangi
Walau sekarang sudah pikun
Lupa lagi masak nasi trus beras ngembang
Lupa ngangkat ikan yang digoreng hingga gosong
Engkau selalu ingat siapa aku
Anak yang paling bandel
Bikin khawatir kalau udah pergi

Mendidik dengan caramu - Amir
Rela makan nasi sama garam asal anaknya makan ikan
Pernah berbohong ia sehat trus jatuh dari motor karena darah rendah
Tidak pernah (terdengar dan terlihat) menangis dan mengeluh

Bukan keberuntungan tetapi Tuhan mendengar doa ibumu
Bukan kebetulan, semua telah tertulis bahkan sebelum Adam hadir

Tapi semua bisa diubah ketika usaha untuk berubah
Tidak dengan mati
Tidak bisa ditunda atau dimajukan meski 1 ms
Apapun teknologi nya

Kalo emang mereka cinta kenapa bohong
Demi kebahagiaan anaknya
Tidak tersedar memang

Aku percaya bahwa karena otak semua bisa sukses
Guru menentukan nilai tinggi
Dosen adalah orang yang tidak terbantahkan
Presiden orang nomor satu di negaranya

Aku tetap percaya bahwa
Aku sayang ibu, ibu, ibu
Begitupun mereka

Ska, Oktober 3th 2017

Bukan siapa-siapa

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

Anggun - What We Remember lyrics

Planes fly over my head
Drawing lines in the sky
Destined to be forgotten

Words you dared to say
That left the cloud in my eyes
On hold to be forgiven

Can't you see it in my face
The struggle and the grace
Some things I cannot hide

We're dodging bullets with this game
But the pleasure and the pain
Are only there for a while

Nothing lasts forever
No, nothing lasts forever
We only have what we remember
We only have what we remember
We only have what we remember

Though life plays hard to get
Somehow I keep the smile
And let my heart do the rest

One thing I can regret
Is when I'm too afraid to try
To give it my very best

Don't want my memory of you
The love that once was true
Slowly fades away

Something that I can't undo
Can break my heart in two
Is what they called the twist of fate

Nothing lasts forever
No, nothing lasts forever
We only have what we remember
We only have what we remember
We only have what we remember
We only have what we remember
We only have what we remember

Paroles de Anggun chanson what we remember
This song is released in  Friday, October 13th 2017
This lyrics are rewrote by bit.do/Ardi

My profile's link: bit.do/Ardi

Selasa, 14 Februari 2017

Rindu itu Milikku

Selamat pagi orang tercinta, ibu bapak ku. Aku menulis ini untuk ditengah hiruk pikuk kota dengan suara hujan yang memekakkan telinga.

Aku saat ini rindu kalian, terlebih saat ku dengar kabar disana.

To be honest, aku lahir dari orang tua yang hidup jauh dibawah garis kemiskinan bahkan sampai sekarang. Sekarang aku sering berpikir mau berubah juga tidak bisa ya memang begitu adanya.

Aku sering sedih kalau mau nelpon orang tuaku. Kenapa? Mereka pasti bohong! Bilang sehat dan makan enak. Faktanya: makan biasa aja susah coba, sakit pula. Kemarin aku dengar ibuku jatuh di dapur akibat hipertensinya kambuh kalau bahasa sana disebut "cuttam". Trus sembuh sendiri. Lain lagi dengan bapak: sekarang udah gak mampu jalan kaki dalam jarak jauh. Pake motor 15 km aja sudah harus berhenti beberapa kali.

I don't know how describe it!

Pilu sih ya gimana lagi. Aku di solo mereka juga dimana. Cuma bantu doa dan menyenangkan mereka aja sudah lebih bermanfaat.

Aku tau sih orang tuaku semakin menua. Sementara aku belum bisa apapun disini.

Kalau aku tentang kabar, pasti aku jawab lagi sehat. Walau disini sakit. Itu saja sudah cukup kok.

Kalau aku lihat sekarang orang tuaku tidak seperti dulu. Sangat bijak. Senang kalau dengar aku cerita pengalaman disini. Sedikit menangis terharu kalau mendengar cucu²nya sekolah dengan benar. Jauh beda. Apalagi kalau mendengar aku sekarang sudah tidak merepotkan mereka lagi. Dulu waktu SD sampai SMP aku selalu dimarah (karena emang salah).

Entah mengapa aku tidak seperti orang lain yang mudah mengekspresikan cinta mereka dalam bentuk pelukan dsbnya.

Saat ini aku hanya butuh doa dan restu dari mereka. Itu saja tidak lebih.

Dari anakmu yang selalu rindu.